Accessing Your Member Profile

Are you a brand new initiate or an Alumnus logging in for the first time and want to know how to access your member profile? You are in the right place! Here’s what you need to access your member profile on MySinfonia:

  1. Member Number OR Email Address
  2. Password

Emails from the Fraternity are occasionally sent to recipients’ spam or junk folders. To ensure that you receive all communications, please add the “” domain to your safe list and/or contact list.

Your Email Address

Your member profile is directly connected to your email address and is one of the primary communication channels from the Fraternity to you, even after you graduate and become an alumnus. For this reason, an email is required for new initiates, and a personal email address is preferred – not a school email address that will likely deactivate after you leave the institution.

If no email address is listed for you or if it is incorrect then click the following link to update your email address and reset your password

  • Please complete as much of the following information as known to help us troubleshoot any login issues you may be experiencing. Please allow at least one business day for a response. A valid email address is required.

  • If not already set, your account will have this email set. It is preferable to list a personal email address as school email accounts often deactivate after leaving the institution.

  • All accounts experiencing login issues will have their password reset and will be provided with the new password via email. Once you can successfully log in, you can use the Change Password link in the MySinfonia menu to change your password at your discretion.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Your Password

Your member profile features standard security encryption methods. In order to reset or retrieve your password, you will need your member number or email address.

MySinfonia features automatic password resets and functions only if you have a valid email on file

[ult_buttons btn_title=”Reset/Retrieve Your Password” btn_link=”” btn_align=”ubtn-center” btn_title_color=”#ffffff” btn_bg_color=”#d30b04″ icon_size=”32″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-left”]

So Let It Be For Sinfonia!

Your Profile

Once logged in to MySinfonia, you have several resources available at your fingertips depending on your membership status and officer position, if applicable. If you notice any discrepancies in your profile or would like more information on your membership status, please contact Lyrecrest by email at

If you are a chapter officer and do not have access to chapter tools, please have one of the listed chapter officers or your Province Governor complete a Chapter/Officer Update form. If a province officer is without access, please contact your Province Governor to verify that a Province Update form has been submitted and filed with Lyrecrest.