National Constitution and Bylaws

of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity

The primary governing documents of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity are its National Constitution and Bylaws. The National Constitution of Phi Mu Alpha is adopted to define the primary identification and establishment of the Fraternity as an entity. Following the 2012 National Convention, The National Bylaws were adopted in four distinct sections, each defining governance procedures and protocols for specific association and affiliates of the Fraternity: National Policies, Province (regional) Policies, Chapter Policies, and Alumni Association Policies. Below is the current (2022) revision.

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The true strength of the individual chapter is determined by its obedience to the Constitution of the national fraternity. Wisdom has been shown in making our Constitution sufficiently plastic and progressive to meet the changing conditions inherent in the growth and expanse of a young fraternity and the increasing problems of the chapters.

Yet even at the present stage of adaptation and development it is not always easy for a chapter to be persistent and prompt in meeting all the requirements found in the SINFONIA law. Whenever such a time comes in the life of a chapter—it should *sacrifice*, and it will, if the chapter realizes itself to be a vital part of the organic whole, and not an isolated unity.

Brotherhood stands for mutual obligations and common duties. In the performance of them, inviolate should be respect for an observance of all the laws to each chapter and every member have voluntarily subscribed. Phi Mu Alpha is only as strong as the combined strength—and weakness—of all her chapters, no less, no more. She is a Federation of Chapters, united that she may grow the stronger in the bonds of brotherhood. Therefore, it behooves each chapter and every member to study and know the SINFONIA Constitution made for all, to be reverenced and obeyed by all—that all may remain united in fraternity law and fraternal love.

– Percy Jewett Burrell, Supreme President (1907-1913)