
April 29 – May 1

Millikin University

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Fireside Midwest Registration Open

Continuing their dedication to strong fraternity education practices and resources, National President Mark Lichtenberg and former National President John Mongiovi are hosting a series of regional events called Sinfonia Fireside Conferences. The program is dedicated to exploring the mission, Ritual, and ideals of the Fraternity, as well as providing tools for brothers to teach these concepts and apply them both in their individual lives and in their chapters.

[ult_buttons btn_title=”Click Here to Register!” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmy.sinfonia.org%2Ffireside|title:Fireside%20Conference%20Registration|target:%20_blank” btn_align=”ubtn-center” btn_size=”ubtn-custom” btn_width=”490″ btn_height=”60″ btn_title_color=”#ffe76b” btn_bg_color=”#902f05″ btn_hover=”ubtn-center-dg-bg” btn_bg_color_hover=”#762806″ btn_title_color_hover=”#f0e6b1″ icon_size=”32″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-left” btn_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” btn_font_size=”desktop:18px;”]


 Late Registration

*Lodging is the responsibility of each individual member.

“I assure you that we men, all of us, need, more perhaps than we think, to withdraw from the active, noisy, materialistic rush of the world, not to mention the sensuous, intoxicating, social pleasures of life that minister only to the flesh, and in peaceful quiet meditate upon and consider together some of the deep things of life, listen to the voice of the Eternal and be taught by the infinite spirit of truth.”

–Ossian Everett Mills, 1909

When and Where are Fireside Conferences?

All brothers are welcome to attend any and all Fireside Conference events. That said, we know that some brothers will want to plan to attend the Fireside Conference event that’s closest to their chapter. Here’s a rundown of when we’ll be where that we’ll keep updated as Fireside Conference events get finalized.

“This it is to be a man of the highest type. To be and not seem; to do and not simply to talk…”
-Ossian Everett Mills

For questions or concerns please contact Lyrecrest at 812-867-2433 or at nhq@sinfonia.org