All current listed collegiate members have been charged $82.00 for the Fall 2022 National per Capita Taxes and Fees in accordance with the National Constitution & Bylaws. Any accounts that were in arrears from Spring 2022 have been assessed a $15 Late Fee.

Brothers may begin paying their financial obligation for Fall 2022 directly through their MySinfonia accounts.

Bylaws. Title I. Article X. Section 1.
Each collegiate member pays national Per Capita taxes and fees in two installments due October 15 and March 15 of each year. National Per Capita taxes and fees consist of a membership fee of $140.00 annually ($70.00 per installment) plus a pro rata insurance fee, currently $24.00 annually ($12.00 per installment).

Payment Due October 15, 2022

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I graduated or left school and my account was still assessed National per Capita Taxes & Fees?

A: This simply means that your graduation or departure has not been properly reported to us. Contact your chapter’s secretary and ask him to file an Alumni Transfer Report Form. We’ll remove any amount assessed to your account after your departure.

Q: What if my listed balance due is more than $82.00?

A: This likely means we have not received payment for previous assessments. If you gave money to your chapter to turn in on your behalf, then it may not have been sent to us. This is why we strongly recommend Brothers pay directly through MySinfonia for their national financial obligations.

Q: What if I believe my listed balance due is incorrect?

A: It is uncommon, but it is possible that your account balance is incorrect. There could have been a system error or a clerical mistake that caused your balance to be incorrect. If you believe this to be the case, please email the National Headquarters.

[ult_buttons btn_title=”Contact the National Headquarters” btn_link=”|title:Contact%20the%20National%20Headquarters” btn_align=”ubtn-center” btn_title_color=”#ffffff” btn_bg_color=”#b5000c” btn_anim_effect=”ulta-grow” icon_size=”32″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-left” btn_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” btn_font_size=”desktop:16px;”]